22 July 2024

NIS2 just around the corner

The introduction of the NIS2 Directive marks a milestone in the European approach to cyber security. While this piece of legislation is supposed to increase resilience […]
15 July 2024

In wait for hydrogen

Despite the clear advantages and the need for rapid decarbonisation, everything seems to show that cheap and readily available hydrogen in large quantities will only appear […]
8 July 2024

Routes to new ports and terminals

In the next few years, new deep-water terminals should appear and start operating in Poland. Along with these projects, will there also be new roads to […]
1 July 2024

High-tech industry

– We are living in a time of breakthrough. We are facing a technological revolution in maritime transport related to decarbonisation, which has actually already begun. […]
21 June 2024

Taxation of Polish ports

– Mechanisms to support seaports in Poland in the form of tax exemptions on income earmarked for the construction, expansion and modernization of infrastructure constitute state […]
21 June 2024

Wind from land and sea

Poland can become a European leader in the development of offshore wind energy, making a significant contribution to the European Union’s energy and climate goals. In […]
19 June 2024

Blockade kills logistics companies

Up to 70% drops in turnover were reported by local logistics companies due to the blockade of the EU border with Ukraine by farmers. Entrepreneurs are […]
6 June 2024

Transportation Green Deal

Transportation in the global economy is responsible for about 30% of emissions. Of course, this includes all modes of transportation, including sea and air. It is […]
9 May 2024

Awareness of the Polish flag

Knowledge of the problems of maintaining ships under the Polish flag is not widespread. About half of Poles, regardless of age, place of residence and level […]
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