leader: Tomasz Pelc
Chairman of the Council of the Hydrogen Technology Cluster
moderator: Andrzej Buczkowski
TOPIC: Green methanol or green ammonia, which one will dominate the maritime fuel market from the perspective of ship owners and operators?
- Maritime legislation is making increasingly tough demands on ship owners and operators, seeking to eliminate fossil fuels through increasingly severe penalties (ETS) for ships
- As part of the panel, we will discuss shipowners' opinions and their preparations for the required changes, as well as propulsion engine manufacturers' offerings and their preparation for alternative fuels.
- Berit Hinnemann, CTO Green2X
- Nils Aden, MD Harren Group
- Hrishikesh Chatterjee, Promotion Manager 2S, Man Copenhagen
- Johnny Kackur, Marketing Director Wartsila
1) Jakub Budzyński - Wiceprezes PTMEW
2) Grzegorz Chodkowski, Vice President Offshore Development Poland, RWE Renewables
3) Dr Tomasz Kalinowski – Profesor Sopockiej Akademii Nauk Stosowanych
4) Kacper Kostrzewa - Dyrektor Projektu BC-Wind
5) Paweł Mawduk - Offshore Wind – Supply Chain Project Manager, Polenergia
6) Agata Staniewska-Bolesta - Dyrektorka Zarządzająca Offshore Polska, Ørsted Polska
7) Prof. dr hab. inż. kpt. ż.w. Adam Weintrit - Rektor Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni
8) Marcin Wiśniewski - Dyrektor ds. Regulacji i Zezwoleń Equinor w Polsce

Stakeholder Manager in Equinor Poland
Andrew Popadiuk is a certified executive coach, an experienced business consultant, and an educator in the field of management and renewable energy. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the European Foundation for Management Development, Baltic Management Development Association, European Quality Link, Alliance of Management Development Associations in Rising Economies, FORUM Association for Events Management Education, and the Secretary General of the European League for Economic Cooperation, among other titles. He is a Stakeholder Manager at Equinor in Poland
Rune Tvedt is a founding partner and Managing Director of KONGSTEIN AS.
With an academic background as a mechanical engineer, he is extremely well versed in the offshore industry. His work experiences include roles as Senior Technical Project Manager, Head of R&D and Sales and as Managing Director in various companies within the maritime industry. He has extensive knowledge on developing ship designs, vessel propulsion systems, advanced chemical tankers, drill-ships, subsea equipment and other maritime engineering solutions. Current projects are primarily focused on maritime transport logistics of Green Hydrogen in large volume combined with offshore wind farms.
Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, Government Plenipotentiary for Renewable Energy Sources, Member of the Polish Parliament
Jacek Sadaj - Chairman of the Board | Port Gdynia
Experienced manager, graduate of the Gdansk University of Technology and Master of Business Administration (MBA) studies at the Gdansk Foundation for Management Development implemented in cooperation with the University of Gdansk and validated by Porto Business School. Startedhisprofessionalcareer in 2006 with P. W. CentrostalMontaż Sp. o.o., then gained experience in international corporations: Air Liquide Polska Sp. z o.o., Promeco S.A., OMAX Poland Sp. z o.o. and Energomontaż - Północ Gdynia SA.
Connected with Energa Group since 2018. In Energa Logistyka Sp. z o.o. performed the duties of the Board's Plenipotentiary for Optimization of Sales and Logistics Processes and Vice President of the Board.
Involved in the maritime industry since 2020, when he was appointed Vice President of the Management Board/Director for Infrastructure and Asset Management at the Port of Gdynia Authority S.A.
As a result of the qualifying process, by decision of the Supervisory Board of the Port of Gdynia Authority S.A.Mr. Sadaj was appointed to the position of President of the Board of Directors/ Chief Executive Officer in the Board of Directors of the 8thterm of the Companyas of 29 June 2021.
Grzegorz Pawelc - Innovation and Funding Manager in Hydrogen Europe
Grzegorz Pawelec has 15 years of professional consulting experience, where he specialized in projects covering natural has for heat and power, renewable energy and alternative fuels like LNG and hydrogen. He holds a MSc Economics and Finance from Gdansk University of Technology.
Grzegorz has joined Hydrogen Europe in May 2019 as Research, Innovation and Funding Manager where he is responsible for the coordination of the Maritime Working Group, focusing on decarbonisation of shipping as well as Finance and Funding Working Group with focus on future IPPP on hydrogen under the Horizon Europe framework and the ETS Innovation Fund.
Ain Laidoja is a managing director of the Estonian Association of Hydrogen Technologies. He has recognised the climate crisis and is actively seeking solutions for a cleaner future. He believes Estonia could be a fossil-free and energy independent country utilising local renewable energy resources all year round.
He holds a Master’s degree in thermal power engineering from the Tallinn University of Technology. He also holds a Master of Science in forestry. Due to his background, the main focus of his research is renewable transport fuels from biomass and synthetic e-fuels.
In his career, shipping forest products, he has witnessed large amounts of wood industry residues exported at a low added value level mostly to energy markets.
His homeland Estonia has accumulated years of experience in producing pyrolysis oil from fossils. Estonia is rich in forest resources and Ain is now researching ways to replace fossil fuels with green climate-friendly alternatives produced from local resources, green carbon and green hydrogen. Availability of (green) Hydrogen has been a missing link for producing high-value commodities for chemical industry feedstock and stored energy products like liquid fuels. He knows there is no single approach that works for everything, so he continues to develop solutions where green carbon and green hydrogen meet each other, in fact, he loves both of them.
His garage has been turned into a lab, where pyrolysis experiments are carried out, his favourite aroma is the smell of wood tar.