Leader Piotr Pawłowski – Chairman of the Council of Stakeholders of the Port of Gdynia
TOPIC: The extent of autonomy of Port Authorities in the creation and implementation of state port policy.
A panel on Polish seaports, which have recently shown record-high results, promises to be interesting.
They ended 2023 with more than 9% volume growth, which translated into 146.4 million tons of cargo handled. Thus, it can be concluded that there has been a tripling of turnover (212%) in Polish seaports over the past two decades. The Port of Gdańsk handled the most last year, with nearly 81 million tons (80.96 mil. t), up by 18.7%. This placed it in the "Top10" of European ports. Positive changes were also observed in Gdynia, where container volumes approached 30 million T (29.4 million T) after a 5.3% increase. The port complex of Szczecin and Świnoujście recorded a slight decline in container volumes. The more than 4% reduction in turnover levels translated into a result of 35.32 million t in 2023.
How much have Port Authorities of primary importance to the national economy contributed to these increases? Did they build and provide new infrastructure while upgrading the existing one? In their actions, were they guided by market demand, as reported by port users and operators, or did they carry out central dispositions, interfering with the laws of the market and free competition? Representatives of the port authorities in Gdańsk, Gdynia, Szczecin and Świnoujście, as well as representatives of the broadly understood business centered around these ports, will speak on these and other issues.
- Katarzyna Gruszecka-Spychała - Wiceprezeska ds. Finansów i Zarządzania Aktywami, Zarząd Morskiego Portu Gdynia S.A.,
- Jarosław Siergiej - Prezes Zarządu - Zarząd Morskich Portów Szczecin i Świnoujście S.A.,
- Alan Aleksandrowicz - Wiceprezes ds. Finansowych, Zarząd Morskiego Portu Gdańsk S.A.,
- Paweł Zastawny - Prezes Zarządu - Speed Sp. z o.o.,
- Michał Śmigielski - Prezes Zarządu - Morska Agencja Gdynia Sp. z o.o.,
- Wojciech Szymulewicz - Prezes Zarządu - Bałtycki Terminal Kontenerowy Sp. z o.o.,
- Marek Zagórski - Prezes Zarządu - Krajowa Grupa Spożywcza S.A.

Chairman of the Council of Stakeholders of the Port of Gdynia In the transport-forwarding-logistics industry for over 25 years. He performed key functions in the most important companies in this industry, starting from sea and road forwarding. He managed inland shipping companies in Poland and Germany. He was also the leader of the sea-port terminal in Gdynia. Independently, a member of a number of supervisory boards and business associations.